Wednesday, July 23, 2008

People Talk

You know there’s something really weird about the way people talk. Whenever you meet relatives after a really long time, they’re bound to say, “Look how you’ve grown” oh! That’s nice thank you for telling me I’ve grown fat.
That’s still okay since it’s a thing you say when you have no clue what else to say because they know nil about me. They do not even know my name let alone any personal facts.
The still weirder part is that even the relatives I meet on a monthly basis cannot help but remark “oh how tall you’ve grown! You just don’t stop growing do you?” umm yeah sure, I have not gained half a millimeter for the past 2 and a half years, but if you say so then sure! I’m still the same height. But you cannot really say that can you? You just have to grin and bear it.
Another thing is that when people come to stay over at our place and I have to go to school, when I return they say, without fail, “you’ve come home?” in a very sweet and soothing voice, they ask me, I who have just stepped in.
After the day I’ve had in school all I can do is grin and say yes whereas from inside I’m popping with rage “no! You know, I’ve not come home as yet, this is just a digitalized apparition of me you’re seeing, while I have left the earth for a tour of the galaxy!” Of course I’ve come home, since you can actually see me in my uniform, come through the door after ringing the bell, standing in front of you, I see no reason why you should ask me that at all.
Even mum, one day when she opened the door she asked “you’ve come home, now?” and because its mum I said “no Mum it’s my clone, I am currently traveling through heaven on my Harley Davidson”.
Also people who are in the tenth would have experienced this, anyone who comes across your relatives, older friends, parents friends, anyone who’s older than you comes up and once they’ve inquired which class I’m in and after obtaining the answer, even after meeting me a hundred times in the same year, all they can say is-
“So, board year huh?”
Studying hard are you?”
“You know you should be!”
Thank you for the enlightening insight but I really think I can manage my own syllabus very well my self.
And it’s not only tenthies that have to suffer when you’re in 5th they consider you too small to mention anything, when you come to the 6th the countdown begins
“So 4 years to board year huh? Study hard.”
“ 3 “ “ “ “ “ “ “
“ 2 “ “ “ “ “ “ “
“ 1 “ “ “ “ “ “ “
“So are you studying hard??
And after you’ve crossed tenth they say “So last year was your board year huh?
Did you study hard? What was your percentage?
Study hard! Next year also board year! Ha Ha Ha, what an irony trapped between two board years!!!”
I swear I will not talk like that but then again, what can I do? It’s inevitable.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Que Sara Sara

Some times it happens that a test you’ve been wanting to score high in, you don’t. You’re completely distraught and you blame it on every thing in sight, the teacher didn’t teach, I was absent, I dint want to anyways etc. but if you really thought about it you’d most probably notice that you were so busy praying that you forgot to study, I am not saying that this is always true, there are 101 reasons, real ones, because of which you couldn’t score, but the one reason why you did score was because you studied.
There is a saying, you can only take a thirsty horse to the water but he has to drink it, the same is with us and our teachers, they can only lead us there, we have to bend down and take what they are giving to us. They are giving to us the key to an incredibly successful life it is we who have to take the effort and stretch our hands forward to take it.
My dad keeps telling me, the only difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little extra. If you put in the little extra effort than all the others then there is no reason why you shouldn’t do well. This holds true not just for academics, but generally for life as well, in doing a good job further in life, in being a better human being, the thing that will matter is that the little extra effort that marks the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
In the end, when you’ve given your best and have done all you could then you leave it upon god, in the end, que sara sara, whatever will be will be.

Rendition of Love

People will tend to skip this article just by reading the title and for those who are reading this, I’m grateful.
Why is love today regarded as something that can be only said between a boyfriend and girlfriend? Why is it that “I love you” is so ewwww??
When you like someone, when you care for someone it means that you love him or her.
I know what you’re thinking; the first words in your mind are in the context of romance.
I’ve heard that a platonic friendship between a girl and boy is close to impossible, but I believe that platonic love does exist.
The very fact that you care about someone shows that you have at least a little bit of love for him/her.
Let’s talk in context of bollywood, what do you think movies like munnabhai are trying to show? Spread a little more love, be more bindaas, why be so uptight and righty right?

“And all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that show the way are blinding, there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don’t know how”
Quoting from Wonderwall by Oasis. Aren’t the lyrics so true, there are so many things we leave unsaid because it seems too cheesy or “oh! what will people think of me?”
All I want to do through this article is establish love as something that will bring about world peace ( I’m not saying world peace because I have being Miss Universe on my list (because I really don’t)).You love your parents right?(I hope), is it not possible to have the same kind of love for someone else?
If you might’ve read the book Love Story by Erich Segal you will recall that “love means never having to say your sorry”, yet why is it that people make it a point to not say things and then be sorry for it.
The book The Secret Garden shows how love and faith can heal everything. Do you think terrorists are terrorists because like doing it? No, it is a scientific fact that children from happy and loving households are less likely to for e.g. be in possession of a gun. While I am not suggesting that you try and hunt terrorists down for a “jadoo ki jhappi”, I would say that the next time you are stuck at a signal or your eyes meet someone on the road, try smiling, and I do not mean pulling your face muscles apart to display your pearly whites, but really smiling, saying “ I don’t know who you are, but I , am with you” (Avril Lavigne “ I’m with you”).
As a finishing line I quote from the song by Black Eyed Peas (it explains my sentiments perfectly)-
“People killing, people dying,
Children hurtin’, livin’, cryin’,
Would you practice what you preach?
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us,
Give us some guidance from above,
People got me, got me questioning,

Peer Pressure

 Here’s the thing about peer pressure, it doesn’t exist! Really! I don’t know why it’s called peer pressure its all self pressure. I know I’ll be gathering a lot of flak for this, but it’s true.
Someone in the class scores 99/100, fine! Good for you! But why should I sacrifice my social life (which is close to nonexistent but still) to cram for an exam. I’ll do how much ever I can do, obviously if I work enough I will get grand marks. But I will I NOT do it because it looks pretty on my report. I’d rather be a nice person with a fun life than spend it inside my books. I’m not saying all the toppers are geeks because I know people who top in class and yet know who Paris Hilton is (I think).
I also know that this is because of time management. As my dad says, of the seven most important habits of successful people, the no. 1 habit is time management. And yes it does work (not for me but whatever, its not like I’ve actually tried).
Just because everyone I know is taking drugs, or are overtly keen on showing their Calvin Klein underwear (or the tattered one if the Calvin has gone for a wash) why should I.
I know of course the keenness to try will be there, I cannot deny it, but in the end, common sense has to prevail. I have truthfully never been asked to do drugs and the one time I was asked if I would like to smoke, I refused. Once (in a blue moon) when my dad was smoking, I asked him if I could try and he said yes! I tried it and trust me there is nothing even remotely cool or yummy or enjoyable about it.
It’s just as if you o put your head in a fireplace and inhale all the smoke and ash. I mean if smokers enjoy it so much they should join the firefighters ,every time there is a fire you can just stand there and inhale all the smoke (provided you do the little bit of community service that asks you to spray water).
Don’t even get me started on the consequences to your health. I once saw on the Oprah show (think what you will, I am not soppy loser) a preserved lung of a chain smoker (icky I know), and trust me it was not pretty, you do not want internal organs looking like that.
Just one question, why do I have to display my underwear just because she is (or he is or the whole world is, whatever)? (Partly because it wont look anywhere near decent on a person my shape). Why should I wear my hair down if every one is? You know I bet everyone thought they were being “cool” and “different” (besides going against their parent’s wishes) but the truth is that they’re all being all exactly the same! Because everyone else is doing it, you are too and then you become a stereotype just like everyone else. Wherever you see its low waist low waist low waist low waist ooh! Covered bum, that’s nice.
I for one like to keep mine under my clothes, thank you very much. If I wanted to be Superwoman, I’d keep my intentions clear and simply wear my synthetic red underwear outside my clothes. And why would you want you display your underwear in the first place? Is it a “come hither so you can see more” or an “I wear branded undies I’m rich”? And if it is either I really don’t think it works (at least not for me any way).
The conclusion to this particular long-winded essay about rubbish is that, peer pressure does not exist, IF people learn to use their brains.
I know each and every line will draw objection from people, and I myself can contradict most of the writing. But I hope this essay may drive some sense into some people I could name.


There is hair Everywhere Behind my knees Between that crease, In my nose Between my brows And just yesterday I Found one on my chin Perhaps...