Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Elemental Fury

The soft orange intensifies
And rises up to roar
It meets the sky
Burning with rage
Breathing with the air
Consuming it, spitting

It swirls in response
Gusting and blowing, chagrined
Ruffling the leaves and riffling the sand
Bending the reeds and breaking the land
Maintaining it countenance

But the ground groans
And sighs and shudders
And cracks and moans
Like a lover
It quakes with passion
And shakes with ire
Marks indelible on honest land

Unlike the silvery liquid
That washes ashore
It seems insipid
Uninspired by lore
Altogether astounding then
Is its wrath
That breaks upon the shore
And breaks upon the rocks

Unforgiving it is


There is hair Everywhere Behind my knees Between that crease, In my nose Between my brows And just yesterday I Found one on my chin Perhaps...