Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rendition of Love

People will tend to skip this article just by reading the title and for those who are reading this, I’m grateful.
Why is love today regarded as something that can be only said between a boyfriend and girlfriend? Why is it that “I love you” is so ewwww??
When you like someone, when you care for someone it means that you love him or her.
I know what you’re thinking; the first words in your mind are in the context of romance.
I’ve heard that a platonic friendship between a girl and boy is close to impossible, but I believe that platonic love does exist.
The very fact that you care about someone shows that you have at least a little bit of love for him/her.
Let’s talk in context of bollywood, what do you think movies like munnabhai are trying to show? Spread a little more love, be more bindaas, why be so uptight and righty right?

“And all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that show the way are blinding, there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don’t know how”
Quoting from Wonderwall by Oasis. Aren’t the lyrics so true, there are so many things we leave unsaid because it seems too cheesy or “oh! what will people think of me?”
All I want to do through this article is establish love as something that will bring about world peace ( I’m not saying world peace because I have being Miss Universe on my list (because I really don’t)).You love your parents right?(I hope), is it not possible to have the same kind of love for someone else?
If you might’ve read the book Love Story by Erich Segal you will recall that “love means never having to say your sorry”, yet why is it that people make it a point to not say things and then be sorry for it.
The book The Secret Garden shows how love and faith can heal everything. Do you think terrorists are terrorists because like doing it? No, it is a scientific fact that children from happy and loving households are less likely to for e.g. be in possession of a gun. While I am not suggesting that you try and hunt terrorists down for a “jadoo ki jhappi”, I would say that the next time you are stuck at a signal or your eyes meet someone on the road, try smiling, and I do not mean pulling your face muscles apart to display your pearly whites, but really smiling, saying “ I don’t know who you are, but I , am with you” (Avril Lavigne “ I’m with you”).
As a finishing line I quote from the song by Black Eyed Peas (it explains my sentiments perfectly)-
“People killing, people dying,
Children hurtin’, livin’, cryin’,
Would you practice what you preach?
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us,
Give us some guidance from above,
People got me, got me questioning,

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