Saturday, July 26, 2014

Something blue

Every few morrows,
I trundle down the hill
With my heart in hand
To give to you

Every few moons
I follow the turns
With my heart in hand
To give to you

A jagged scar
Runs wide and deep
Across my empty chest

It doesn't hurt
Nor do I weep
To carve at your behest

But it throbs
Oft missing a beat
When untouched its left

By even the
Slight subtle heat
of a passing breath

It only hurts
immensely so,
When I retrace the line

And open up,
A cave full of woe
To replace what isn't mine

To put back
A lost heart
Something that don't belong

Something that
Doesn't fit
Something that feels so wrong

For every morrow
I trundle down the hill
And every moon
I follow the turn

And every song
I write, ever will

I know this much

I have to learn

That this heart in hand
To give to you
I bring every time

Ask all the land
And the sea blue
T'was never mine

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