Sunday, August 3, 2008


Walking down the street
Soaked in the rain
I looked up at the scowling sky
And I asked why.

Why did it have to be this way
I searched for a golden ray
He left, he did not stay
I asked why

I gave him glimpses of my soul
Where exists now a deep chasm
I knew not to draw the line
And now I am doing the time

He left me for someone better
He’d said so in the letter
Who is she
Who stole the keeper of my heart

And I looked up at the rain
Held out my carelessly returned heart
To cleanse the tears, the rents and the pain
I asked why

And I was answered
Was it the downpour
That roused me from my stupor
Or was it my mind
That broke the shackles his being did bind

He deserted me
Now I can clearly see
There are no tears to blur my sight
I now knew why

He did doubt
That’s why he walked out
I cannot trust someone
Who turns his back and runs.

I held up the meaningless piece of paper
Held it up for the rain
Till it liberated me of each and every grain
Of useless words and meaningless pain

I knew why
He didn’t know what he lost
And I won’t spend no time nor thought
On the insignificant piece of paper/rot
Because I knew why

For even though the rain
Had drenched and chilled me from the outside
I was warm and content inside
I was worthy of much better
He can go party with his stupid letter


Unknown said...

this is so has immense depth....great!!

Ishita_Dasgupta said...

AMAZING andy!!! totally luvd it! :)
waise was dis 100% fiction and/or imagination, or...??? :P

B said...

dis is beautiful
im impressed
ur poemz perfectly captured wt real pain feels like..
anandita, im heading your way in the next class!

Kriti said...

i think this reflects a lot of ur personality,the bits n pieces that i've come to know of u in this short me,this poem,specially how it ends,is u!...i loved it...n i also hope that it was fictional...the 'why?' phase in life is definitely not fun!! ;p

Mishika said...

ohmigawd...this is so cute and sad at the same time!
i love the last line "he can go party with his stupid letter"....amazing!

Joblessly Me said...

LOVED it.. :) the fav being the last line.. i thought twas the perfect ending to the poem..

MAN u can write!!


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