Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The unbeknownst talent of breaking your own heart

The fault with being a love lorn person like me, is that you're always falling in and out of love.

Now here's the catch, I'm particularly falling in love with a single person, or people or even dogs. I'm falling in love with an idea of a person who may or may not know I exist. THEN, when that person doesn't respond, I become broken hearted, which is terrible, because no one even broke my heart.

So, in effect, I am capable of doing that myself.

This is possibly a symptom of having too much time on one's hands. Also a possible symptom of watching too many rom coms that have just put this vague idea of a knight in shining armour practically falling into my lap when I'm at my frazzled best and fall in love with me while I shop in my sweats.

But in effect, that'll never happen, because if you've ever seen me, I rock a solid oily glare when I'm in that state. And more importantly, why would anyone approach me when I look like that?

Or when I do the thing where I fall in love with someone whom I've just started talking to, and then I become clingy and confuse the other person to pieces if I am cool or am I just crazy.

Anywhoo, being a heartslut, it's easy to break your own heart. No one else, just you and your multiple parallel universes. 


There is hair Everywhere Behind my knees Between that crease, In my nose Between my brows And just yesterday I Found one on my chin Perhaps...