Sunday, August 3, 2008

If I Were Blue

I would embrace the world, envelop it.

The waters below reflect my being,
I am of hints in a peacock’s tail,
In gay abandon its spreads its feathers to dance to a tune unheard.

I am the color of happiness, in a bride's something blue.

The color of sorrow reflected in a mother’s blue baby
The color of gloom in the days after,
The color of the bluebells she so loves,
The color of walls she decorated thus.

The color of sapphire glinting at her neck,
Reflected in the eyes of the beholder,
A blue so deep, it peeps into his soul.

It is a thing so cold, unbelievable heat,
Blue stars in space depicting such.

A flash, a streak of brilliant blue
Nestling somewhere in a rebel’s pure mane,
The color of her ripped jeans.

A moon so rare, the sky so dark,
The color of heaven
Not the devils share.

Roses blue so cold in the winter,
The veins fragile networking across
A beating, thumping body.

Deep in the recesses of a dark blue sea
Lives a magnificent tiny fish painted a startling blue
By god’s loving hand,
Placed as a microscopic dot alongside a blue whale.

If I were blue……………………….I would encompass the world.


Walking down the street
Soaked in the rain
I looked up at the scowling sky
And I asked why.

Why did it have to be this way
I searched for a golden ray
He left, he did not stay
I asked why

I gave him glimpses of my soul
Where exists now a deep chasm
I knew not to draw the line
And now I am doing the time

He left me for someone better
He’d said so in the letter
Who is she
Who stole the keeper of my heart

And I looked up at the rain
Held out my carelessly returned heart
To cleanse the tears, the rents and the pain
I asked why

And I was answered
Was it the downpour
That roused me from my stupor
Or was it my mind
That broke the shackles his being did bind

He deserted me
Now I can clearly see
There are no tears to blur my sight
I now knew why

He did doubt
That’s why he walked out
I cannot trust someone
Who turns his back and runs.

I held up the meaningless piece of paper
Held it up for the rain
Till it liberated me of each and every grain
Of useless words and meaningless pain

I knew why
He didn’t know what he lost
And I won’t spend no time nor thought
On the insignificant piece of paper/rot
Because I knew why

For even though the rain
Had drenched and chilled me from the outside
I was warm and content inside
I was worthy of much better
He can go party with his stupid letter


There is hair Everywhere Behind my knees Between that crease, In my nose Between my brows And just yesterday I Found one on my chin Perhaps...